Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Woes of Haiti

Cholera outbreak in Haiti, this in Haiti, that in Haiti, Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. After the massive earthquake, at the beginning of this year, in January one would have hoped that Haiti was going to start afresh, with new thinking, a new attitude and new drive. The sympathy of the world was poured into Haiti like few other natural disasters in human history. There was a huge fund created for Haiti, and co chaired by none less than Bill Clinton.

According to reports US$777 million has been announced for projects to help build up Haiti, but unfortunately people do not realize it is not money that is important but rather the attitude. After the earthquake Haiti had an opportunity for a new beginning, but sometimes there is a block on people, Haiti like Africa has a leadership full of style and zero substance, full of hot air whilst people are suffering. Even giving Haiti a ten billion dollar gift would not help, why because the leaders want to make big announcements and have pictures taken of them by the western press, shaking Bill Clinton’s hand or Obama’s hand will not change the situation of the ordinary man in the street.

Haiti needed to change its laws to allow the people to be, free the markets and let people bring their skills and knowledge to the market and see for themselves what they can do. Free up the telecommunications sector, free up the media, free up the transport sector, free up power production, free up the wage sector, free up the labor market, create an environment inductive to local and foreign investment, it is not difficult, what in god’s name are they protecting in Haiti, broken down industries, broken down plantations, broken down infrastructure, broken down telecommunications sector, foolish indeed, by now having followed right policies Haiti’s economic growth for 2011 should have been around 10 – 15%, there is nothing there.

The government having freed up the people would concentrate on providing security for the people and building the infrastructure, stop giving places like Haiti money until they also step up for themselves, how on earth can a government that relies on donations believe it can give anything to every Haitian, let the Haitians create for themselves, last round I heard that due to demographics and structural changes in a Japan that has 5.1% unemployment needs a save place to relocate some of its industries, obviously Haiti is not a safe haven because they do not trust themselves.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tax Free Savings Account, Hoax of the Canadian Government

The government of Canada is not in the business of giving breaks, be it liberal or conservative. One must remember that these governments get donations from corporations and the wealthy to campaign and get into power. Canadians have a nice way of hushing things up and pretending they never occur, but remember they are truly not to be trusted white Canadians.

Take this TFSA, tax free savings account, harper's con is that it is to give people a chance, but not so, one is limited to where they can trade, they either must by Canadian stocks, this market that is the symbol of the insider, one see's Canadian stocks surge a week before any announcement, obviously it is insider trading, but do you see anybody punished, never, this is what harper calls giving a chance, by in the stock when the insiders have already had 15% surge because they know they will get away with it, that is where the TSFA allows you to invest, to make fat lazy whites richer not because they are smart because they have information you do not have.

One can buy US shares hopefully on the Nasdaq and NYSE, but one can not purchase any shares on the entrepreneurial market, the OTC markets, simply because in this market you must do your own independent research and not in the whims of the insider trading filled Canadian exchange, that is the idea canadians having never contributed anything academically or scientifically to the world, have a huge inferiority complex they need a way to keep as many down as possible, I remember attending this conference in the USA, a lot of people interested in how there can be so many derivatives, but the canadians eyes would be shifty, filled with jealousy for their own mediocrity that they need to place every barrier they can on you, especially if the first barrier fails, you have no Canadian experience, with the internet you just send your work to other countries, and that makes them mad, why don't you accept you are stupid and meant to clean the washroom of a white is their demand, it is the same reasoning they do not want to invest in OTC market but play the loaded game with canadian market or purchase from New York or Nasdaq. But if you are not interested and in your own judgement you see OTC as better it is a no no, the government is directing one towards their friends, even if their friends are junk.

Why do Westerners and Canadians in particular all display this inferiority complex, why the desire to be needed, the world is ruined by the Western whites desire to be needed by the world, oh I am better than you, listen to me nobody else can think, it is important because a white deep inside feels so inferior to others, they like to bug them and steal from them, they like to tell people they can not judge for themselves, only a white can judge for them, disgusting.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Monday, October 18, 2010

Even Alcohol is Affected by Demand and Supply

For those who love to indulge in wine, New Zealand is the place to be, why it is now cheaper than water. This is a consequence of increases in vineyards for export, now with every country having it's own quality wine industry, France, Australia, Chile, South Africa, Canada, California, well there was doomed to be a glut at some stage, over supply hence the collapse in prices.

This goes to show that the laws of demand and supply are always at work, the market is always self correcting, if there is too much of something the price for that good or service is doomed to collapse, too much money and well people will look for strange ways to get those returns, remember the collapse of Lehman brothers. there is no difference if you are a true economist, wine, money, cars, corn, computers, great supply will lead to price falls, good for the consumer, there is so much alcohol one can drink, with those extra savings maybe they can do something else, like have a better quality of life.

This refutes the supply side economists that once something is supplied there will be greater demand, show at first, but there is always a limit to how much one can consume. Read the story, a great vindication of the markets, click here...

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nobel Physics Price: Triumph of foresight

Two Britons who are Russian born have won the 2010 Nobel price for physics. It is an honor to win the Nobel prize, but I have misgivings for any award that a white hands out, to me there is always some political/ ideological underlying tone, Nobel prize is awarded by white westerners, white westerners are always biased. simple as that, refuse that 2 + 2 = 4 if one is not of their liking, that simple, deal on deceit, but it is an honor to win the Nobel prize. Having said that these two Russian had great focus to end up in the UK, a society that has respected and understood the importance of science for many centuries.

For Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim, winners of 2010 Nobel prize, to end up in Manchester was a blessing, they could easily have ended up in Toronto or anywhere in Canada and they would be driving taxis, dish washing, demolition laborers, welders, but they certainly would not have been allowed to work in any Canadian University as they would not have had Canadian experience even though they are better than every Canadian professional who deals with physics. If they had ended up in Canada the world would have been robbed off their knowledge, that is obviously felt to be important by the committee that gives out noble prizes.

That UK and USA accept foreign born scientists is why these societies are leaders in science whilst the likes of Canada have to count their blessings to be endowed with natural resources like Saudi Arabia as Canadian scientists have nothing to contribute to this world, and never will with their attitude, just envy and jealousy of the knowledge of others.

The UK will be making a massive mistake to introduce curbs on immigration of top scientists to the UK, the UK is not endowed with natural resources like Canada, brain power matters there.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Corporations have more rights than Individuals

Constitutions are based on the rights and duties of individuals within society. Today's norm in many parts of the world equate the corporation as an individual and having rights of an individual. Therefore there is the widespread belief that corporations and individuals have equal rights.

When examining this factor further, one see's that it is mostly just a lie muddy waters and governments do not want the waters to ever clear, but people know that corporations have far more rights but just can not figure out how.

Take a citizen of any western country, citizen X, he earns $35 000 a year. He takes home about $25 000 a year. From that $25 000 a year he/ she must pay for accommodation so that he is safe to get to work the next day, he must pay for food that he needs to be strong to go to work, he must pay for medical care that he needs to be healthy, he must pay for transportation that he needs to get to work.

Think about it, citizen X gets a gross income of $35 000 per year, that gross income is his revenue. Citizen X is therefore taxed on his revenue. Corporation Y on the other hand is not taxed on its revenue. From the $25 000 left citizen X must fork out transportation, food, medical care, accommodation, all things he needs in order to be able to work efficiently for corporation Y.

Corporation Y on the other hand gets to deduct transportation, medical, food as costs of doing business, whilst citizen X can not deduct these things as costs for going to work, for doing business. This lack of deductions means that on average the individual is paying more proportionately to keep society going, they can not deduct what corporations deduct. You will however get pseudo economists saying that corporations pay so much taxes proportionately, all nonsense. Individuals must be allowed to deduct costs of going to work, and two meals a day at work, then individuals are only beginning to catch up to the rights that corporations have.

I will say again, the West is a poor example of freedom, they suck human beings dry, if this is the best the world has to offer the world is in trouble, who is the brave who will give back to individuals what has been stolen from them by evil. The poor are generally just serfs, overtaxed as they are taxed on revenue, on gross, and their profits are negligible compared to their revenue if profits are what one has left over after costs. Majority of individuals are proportionately way over taxed.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo



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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom