Sunday, June 21, 2020

Facing Trauma and Relationships in Society

The podcast can be found: Facing Trauma and Relationship in Society

Whatever you hear today you can not act on it on impulse, take 12 months from today, really take your time and reason. Who is the evil guy the government or the opposition, seemingly they are the same wanting people to jump and never relax.

One can never face what they deny existing. One must first accept that there is trauma and it affects them, if one does not accept trauma then there is nothing they can ever do about it except to follow its ways obediently believing that is normal. One needs to accept what their senses are telling them or observe what their senses are telling them more carefully. If one denies their own senses, then not much can be done.

But rarely will one deny their senses, people will rather justify the falsification of what they sense to satisfy other needs that would be difficult to achieve if they could not justify falsification of the evidence from their senses. This is normally around food, shelter, and clothing.

The senses pick up all the reality outside a human being’s body. It is these senses that allow one to interpret the relationships around them. No matter how much culture says that such and such a group can not do a task, if you see them doing the said task, by the mere fact that you have witnessed it your senses have picked it up and will affect the relationships in your mind. In all cases one can never deny what they senses have registered, but one has two choices. They can act according to that information and change or they can for the sake of culture not act according to the information their own senses have picked up. 

When one decides to ignore the information that their own senses have picked for food, shelter, and clothing, they have accepted what kind of character they are. Knowing the truth, they must deter the reality from taking full effect. They for the ease of food, shelter, and clothing must create a culture built on mysticism, away from reality, for there is no other way to deny one’s own senses.

Humans now know that everything is in a relationship. This is not a mystical concept like that talked of around the Chi of Taoist traditions, the Prana of Indian mystics, the Spirit of the Sharman, Christianity, the god that is everywhere, the philosophies of Leibnitz, Plato, and the such, humans understand the scientific principles behind everything is in a relationship and it starts with material before the big bang. All relationships need energy to maintain that is what gives it a structure. Structure allows us to categorize for example a photon differently from an electron even though both are made up of the same stuff, only amount of mass differentiating their properties.  The mass of the photon and electron is kept in place by a relationship. When we understand fully this relationship science can say to have taken a massive leap forward, it will mean theoretically we have the ability to create a particle.

Just like aa particle, human relationships have structure, that is why it is said society has structure. These relationships are maintained by energy. The structure of society depends on the culture of that society, what is it the society values as a whole, what the collective has agreed to by persuasion and coercion. Cultures evolve, they must evolve to their surroundings, that is just reality. Cultures evolve to changing relationships.

Changing relationships are picked up by the senses. The senses can pick up the threat from a gun pointing at them and a reward of cash in an envelope in front of them. These are relationship the mind understands, the same way a mind understands that all relationships are random. How they react to this truth depends on how it affects their food, shelter, and clothing.

One must accept the truth first, that the society does not accept that all relationships are random, that a human is just a human. Then one must accept that society rejecting everything is random affects how they can get food, shelter, and clothing. Given that somebody knows that culture of the society, the relationships in society prevent one from getting food, shelter, and clothing in a manner they feel they should be able to.

If one accepts the culture that they should be barred from using their full humanity to get food, shelter, and clothing, then they accept the culture. It is therefore not enough to be blocked from pursuing certain disciplines, this is done in many ways, at the end one can just take somebody’s mind from what culture has deemed as the lower, claim it as theirs and the entire culture that benefits from that will approve. When a slave master claims the mind of a slave, all slave owners must agree or the deviation from the reality that everything is in a relationship and that all these relationships are random will be proven to be just for cultural benefit for food, shelter, and clothing, and is not based on mind but mystical phenomenon of the moment. Mystical phenomenon though always around is for the moment, always changing, that all relationships are random can never change at the whims of justifying how one gets food, shelter and clothing, it does not depend on demanding one to be faithful to it but to observe reality which they can do themselves if they choose.

Mystical stuff is forbidden to a few who be mystical means can interpret it, thus culturally saying in regards to whatever is being mystified, only a certain people have access to understanding it and they shall interpret the messages for the rest of society or humanity. It is all mystical the defences of trauma in regard to deny that all relationships for safeguarding ones source of food, shelter, and clothing. One capable knows when they are being denied, trauma is there to warn them they have crossed some mystical line. Trauma often will not be applied just for the sake of it, one knows the reason, they are cultural norms, and trauma often is used to enforce those cultural lines.

When one is denied a promotion even though they know they are more capable, that is enforcing trauma, to enforce the idea that it is more mystical than ability in a society that is supposed to be together for everybody’s good. It registers in the mind that something beyond ability is wrong with them according to relationships within the society.

The better software engineer who doesn’t get financing, they know it is not their abilities that where the let down as they watch their inferiors in terms of the discipline turned into myths. They will always know it is about mystical relationships not reality.

The accountant with all the top qualifications in their field who cries themselves to sleep as they watch somebody with a diploma promoted above them. All these people have a choice, to deny reality and conform to the culture of trauma, and say why must I deny reality for caviar, continuing a cycle of trauma.

The soldier who is not promoted knowing what they have done compared to the one who is promoted. They know, it is about mystical relationships in society that deny that all relationships are random, ultimately denying the ability of human beings for mystical reasons. However, there is another side to this scenario. For a soldier to be promoted means another was promoted. If the soldier who was not promoted understands that it was not about ability but other reasons, the soldier who was promoted knows they are being promoted  for other reasons than ability but because of office, the rest are obliged to follow.

The soldier promoted understands that the system benefits them. They accept society is not unitary but divided for their benefit in terms that go beyond ability. This mysticism is around food, shelter and clothing. The soldier not promoted also understands that it is about mysticism around food, shelter, and clothing, but the mysticism does not benefit them. To get ahead the soldier not promoted must prove other abilities above ability that the higher up demand because of relationships in society.

The merchant who is not allowed to sell their wares, there is only one possibility, they do not belong to society as much as the merchant who can sell their wares. They must find another role that cultural relationships in society will allow, but selling their wares is not their cultural role and the food, shelter, and clothing that come with a merchant who sells those wares. Those who justify such trauma are benefiting from it or hope to benefit from it by adopting to it. 

The journalist who is not allowed to tell the truth, they either adapt to the culture or find other ways to tell the truth. That journalist knows they are not allowed to tell the truth, the relationships established by information from the world outside their body inform them to tell the truth will lead to, because of relationships in their society, to a threat to their food, shelter, and clothing. If that journalist can not tell the truth, that means all the journalists are not allowed to tell the truth, all around food, shelter, and clothing.

A top expert not invited to the discussion, they know why they are not invited to give their input in the discussion, they know it is not about ability but some mystical construct in society around what type of person can be seen to have a reasonable opinion on a subject matter even if their contributions are not as significant. This all has to do with food, shelter, and clothing.

Those who the trauma is targeted against are aware of this trauma, they understand the relationships in society, there are lines they must not culturally cross, their senses will be made aware when they cross these lines. If those the trauma is targeted against acknowledge that this culture is bad for them that is the first step in attempting to confront these lopsided relationships in society when it comes to food, shelter, and clothing. 

Those accepting that the relationships are skewed in society to favor some of other, that society does not accept all as human, even if they do, they do not accept as equal humans or they believe that just be being some deserve protection culturally over others. Over generations of course these is detrimental. For example if society has culturally established that certain segments of society are to receive government aide, after 2 to 3 generations their competition will have been reduced, not because of lack of skills but because of lack of cultural protection that is implied by government assistance.

Accepting that relationships are random and society should be organized in a such manner to show this reality, organized in the ideal that society is one whole and that for the whole to benefit randomness must be a key reality in the acquiring of food, shelter, and clothing. Society is not maximizing the knowledge output, but this might be secondary to keeping another group down in that society. What is one supposed to do given such a culture that hinders them from participating at full a potential as they possibly can?

When one is harassed by the security forces statistically more than others who do not have certain characteristics associated with them by culture , culture of trauma that rejects that relationships are random, thus a human is a human is the conclusion given the classification of a human being. They must weigh what type of relationships they value, choosing the mystical routes, they themselves, not the public will know it was all mysticism, supporting what is considered and the relationships that exist are easier way for one to acquire food, shelter, and clothing.

Or, one can choose to accept the reality that their senses are picking up and demand more just relationships in society. Or at the least desire a change in their mind. They can desire this change to become the mystic, replacing mysticism with their own mysticism, or they can desire to get rid of what is traumatizing them and accept that all relationships are random and get rid of the mysticism except that calls all if such a truth can be considered mysticism. The problem has been mysticism replaced by mysticism always promising better than the last mystics.

When performance is not a criterion for reward of any sort, then food, shelter, and clothing in society are distributed by mystical means. As it is the culture that performance is not the major criteria for reward, performance itself will not help. The relationships in society are based on a culture whereby performance is not necessarily the criteria for reward. Performance will therefore have little effect on the culture, everybody is already aware of that and have accepted it in action.

If the relationships in ones mind strongly lean towards action, one will find a way to air their grievances, they could try the justice system. The justice system upholds the ideals of the culture of the land as set by the laws of the land. One could try to appeal that they are human beings, with same abilities, potential, but the justice system is culture of the land. If the culture is against all relationships are random then the justice system will fail to give one those rights. Laws are set for the rulers of the land first and foremost, that is why treason is such a serious charge. It will face a rebellion if it goes against the culture of the land, against the rulers, who are able to implement a culture against everything being random by precisely controlling the justice system. A slave is a slave because of the justice system, a lower caste is a lower caste because of culture enforced by the justice system.

The culture already saying it is not about performance, no matter how well a slave performs at a task, that is their lot. Relationships in society, legal or cultural refuse that the slave or lower caste be acknowledged, that would go against the reason for relationships based on mysticism, to deny the lower caste anything because it would be a threat to who gets, food, shelter, and clothing first.

The idea around facing trauma in society is to eventually get rid of it. It affects how one gets food, shelter, and clothing, and because it is cultural it will affect their children and grandchildren as it has affected them and their parents. One needs to defy the relationships in society that enforce the idea that relationships are not random. This is dangerous it will affect ones food, shelter, and clothing in many instances ones life.

The relationships will not change unless it is shown that there is a cost to not changing. Besides showing that one is capable, performance, one must demand that their performance be recognized, it is theirs. One demands the performance and capabilities of others be recognized. In this one works with who ever is available knowing that they are going against the culture of the land whose refusal to accept the randomness of things needs to oppress and categorize information such that it is not random when it comes to human interaction. One willing to use trauma for food, shelter and clothing see’s this as their only way, they are not likely to change culturally.

Eventually, understanding that relationships in society are around food, shelter, and clothing, eventually the food, shelter, and clothing of those who are oppressing must be threatened or the actions will not bear fruit and trauma will continue for generations to come this is because those with the power are loathe to let it go because it is easier to take in the relationship and one does not have to give. Threatening the food, shelter, and clothing of those who have relationships in society such that culture favors them getting food, shelter, and clothing is dangerous. It is all about food, thus threatening the food supply is threatening what it is all about that keep’s human beings alive, that determining not only quantity but quality of life.

The end, an individual, a group requires a society that has relationships that allows them to flourish if they have the discipline, without having to do more than others. Their performance must be recognized as their performance. They aim either to change society or break away and create their own society.

Breaking the relationships is not easy, it often requires risking all. This depends on what one values. Does one satisfy the society that does not agree it is about performance, or does one reject it and go with the subtle relationships in society that disagree and require a fairer society. It involves blowing up bridges, food supplies must be threatened. It involves blowing up power lines and power stations, people must also be uncomfortable as they call one vermin for wanting to be just a human being. Are people satisfied with a culture that gives others priority in acquiring food, shelter, and clothing. Then fields must be burnt, pipelines destroyed, ports destroyed, given this day and age, always fixing ports one will become an unreliable exporter. Food shortages never make a happy society.

Society is being changed those are the aims of those who see that the culture does not work in their favor. If it is about mysticism, then the relationships in the movement are about mysticism, to replace mysticism with mysticism.

The aims could be changing how society is structured, removing mysticism and accepting that all relationships are random. It is about today’s needs, about a greater society, for all to contribute. It is not a world solely about poets, and mysticism, it is about those who also see the reality, those who actually do, they are the only ones who have ever uplifted a society materially, it takes patience to invent anything, find a vaccine, train to be a good boxer, grow vegetables, discover anything, run a successful enterprise, for people to eat and improve takes practical people,  those who can’t understand that draw to mysticism something that can be interpreted in a thousand ways, to draw their influence and must fear the doers because they can’t do resulting in a failed revolution before it begins, replacing tyranny with tyranny.

You can see post colonial world where the mystics are ruling in full swing with no constraints, people are not doing too well and governments that love them despise them, they are not allowed to do as looting is the priority.

Once there is fear of abilities tyranny has already arrived and anybody who believes in all relationships are random should immediately abandon that, they are not blowing up bridges to merely replace, but to change structure of society and the culture being around all relationships are random when it comes to acquiring food, shelter, and clothing, the basics of life. The culture favors acknowledgement of deeds by anybody understanding their contribution is a threat to nobody, accepting reality creates a humbler people. The culture acknowledges all relationships are random and any piece of knowledge can come from anybody and that should never be a surprise.

Change is not an easy thing, people despise those they have culturally lowered with no justification except that they lack a gun and cohesion, full cohesion over and above having to blow up bridges, burn fields, ruin ports, damage supply chains, hack the tyrants computer networks, assassinate those that can be assassinated given the tyrant has most of the weapons, it is about the whole package that is society and the vision of a society where all participate, those that will be valued in the future, all or a another bunch of mystics.

Change requires the best of all those involved, ultimate respect for knowledge, the best for the job, it already is extremely risky the undertaking. Everybody wants the other day to be now, but that day comes because of accepting all relationships are random, it’s a risk. The one who bombs can stand upto any bombing expert in terms of know how, the one who gets the information has nerves of steel like none before, the drum player plays the drums like none who have existed before. The intellectual minds stand up to scrutiny and are not afraid knowing that it is about facts the standards are the highest, the assassin is not worthy for daring, the entrepreneur understands what the tastes and needs of their customers are, the scientist makes break throughs, the athlete gives his all, those leading are not competing for adulation at such a time of risk, each individual must contribute to the best they can as each represents the cause. Mysticism should end with those who understand that all relationships are random, a human is just a human take action and demand better of human reality when everybody already knows a human is just a human the reason why needing trauma to control.

The idea is to end excuses for war a just society that everyone can see is just. If we want a just society we must fight those who proudly refuse relationships are random, meaning there can never be a culture of some being inherently superior. Fight the Marxist, fight the Fascist, don’t run from the theocrat, stand with reality your grandchildren will be fucked. The sexist will say boy who want to be girls can compete with girls displacing them, what kind of future is this, smash the ethnic racist liras, raise humanity, raise the human, raise the idea of being, being yourself.  

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom