Sunday, June 14, 2020

Truth to oneself and Relationships

The podcast can be found at: Truth to oneself and Relationships

One must always be honest to the reality of what the truth is. What is true should shape their outlook of the existence. Gravity pulls things towards a planet, one than cannot base their reality on gravity pushing things away from a planet. Humans need food to survive, one can not then base their reality on humans not eating food to survive. One must take what is for what it is. 

Everything is in a relationship, there is nothing that is not in a relationship. But for understandings of this talk it is more than satisfactory to appreciate that everything is in a relationship from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. All relationships are random. Human beings are not only the result of relationships but are constantly in relationships, that is how humans and all life survive.

Not only are all relationships random, but they need energy to maintain, this energy gives a relationship its structure.

Humans are not only created by relationships, but human beings are social creatures, thus to a large extent being social creatures, access to food, shelter and culture depends on the social relationships in society. Once one talks of relationships, we should immediately understand that there is energy involved to give society that structure. If for example one goes to work, they be primarily in a relationship for the purpose of getting paid for offering their ability to do something. They know how to do that something because of knowledge, even if it is as simple as cutting a tree all day, they know how to cut that tree down and somebody will pay for that tree to be cut down. They can then use that pay to purchase food, shelter, and clothing, to make sure they survive.

A relationship is taking place, there is a structure in the relationship, that is why organizations have structure, that is why there are organizational charts. But even then, if there was no hierarchy, there would be a structure, the structure would correspond to hierarchy. At work one spends energy, that is how the relationship is maintained, the same principle that gives an electron, photon, or atom its structure.

It was in 2016 that any human started to understand where all relationships come from. They start with the particle. This had nothing to do with past philosophers but experiments in science. That the particle is in a relationship means everything else must be in a relationship and what we call forces is part of the energy that holds relationships together. As we get into complex information like life there are other types of energy that hold information together, in reality as they do the same thing as the other forces in physics, namely electro magnetic force, the gravitational force, and the weak and strong nuclear force. These forces keep anything in a relationship with something else with mass. These forces are there building relationships between particles at the beginning of the age of mass, the post big bang universe we exist in.

As information becomes more and more complex there is energy that holds that complexity, it might only happen in life, but it is still energy maintaining a relationship, giving structure just like gravity, the electromagnetic force, and the nuclear forces. That giving a cell structure is relationships that are maintained by energy. This energy that is used to give a cell structure performs the same function as the energy that gives a solar system structure, the energy giving a solar system structure being gravity.

Understanding that all relationships are similar, they all need energy to maintain, they are also random. All relationships are random since the big bang. We know this because we have a rough idea when the big bang happened. Having an idea of when it happened, questions can be asked, why did this event not happen earlier or later, why at that specific time, meaning at that time conditions where just right, a random event, because it could have happened earlier or later, the conditions could have just been right sooner or later, why not yesterday. 

In 2019 we understood that relationships started before the particle. Thanks to the behaviour of the particle in colliders we understood that all particles are made up of the same thing, and this thing was called konke.

A human being is nothing, but the results of relationships maintained by energy and are random. In the mind of the human being, in the relationships in the mind of a human being, accepting this reality that everything is in a relationship there would be a different outlook on life. The randomness does not just apply to the outside world that is picked up by human sensors. These sensors being the eyes to see, the skin to feel, the nose to smell, the ears to hear, and the tongue to taste. These sensors are in a constant relationship with the outside world informing the individual what is going on. These sensors pick up different levels of energy thus differentiating relationships.

As important as accepting the reality of what is going on outside ones body, the relationships, the friends, the workmates, the pubs, the hobbies, the birds singing, the knowledge from observations, knowledge gained from being disciplined in a discipline, is the relationships in ones mind. First and foremost, does one accept a truth as it is given evidence? If one is willing to deny the evidence, fudge with the evidence, then they are part of the problem of why there is trauma on this earth.

Once one is not willing to accept the evidence in front of them, in no way can they claim to be a highly civilized being. High civilization is about a mind accepting what is in front of them, that is evidence. Evidence is how we understand the relationships around us, all evidence from the sensors is sent to the brain to be categorized, these categorizations define a human beings outlook of the world outside their body.

All knowledge comes from the senses, reading a book is about the eyes, listening to the radio is about ears, signals then interpreted by the brain and affecting one’s outlook on the world outside their body. These signals from the outside allows one to understand their own relationship with the outside world, outside of one’s body. One understands they need food how to use those relationships to get food, water, shelter, and clothing. How they get this food, shelter, and clothing depends on how they interact with those relationships, how they interact with those relationships depends on relationships in their brain, in their mind.

Relationships in the mind depend on past locations of the individual. In each location relationships are built, some locations obviously having more impact than other locations. Going to school at 11 years old will be a great impact in terms of knowledge compared to a 11-year-old who is herding cattle all day. Growing up in a household where one is told they are entitled to food, shelter, and clothing before that other group will have different relationships in the mind compared to somebody who grows up saying it is about the one who contributes what ever gets that portion of food, shelter, and clothing that corresponds with that contribution according standards of society, nobody has a guaranteed position it depends on knowledge that is needed and contributed for that position.

Past location is past location, life is always changing and should evolve with our constant interactions with the world outside our bodies. These interactions are constant confirmations of reality, the senses can only pick up what is real, you can not smell something that is fake, you can not see an illusion, you might not be able to pick up a trick of the eye, but those are real photons that enter the eye, not make believe photons. One can read something that is not true, but what they have read is real, real photons entered the eye and where interpreted by the brain. The brain interprets real things, if it is written that a god flew across, this might never have happened, but it is really written down.

Constant confirmation of relationships around us and involving us are what the senses pick up. One is as they are right now because of the past, and relationships confirmed by the senses in the past. Should one come across new relationships, like a new piece of knowledge, they can not deny what their senses are picking up. The senses are constantly observing. When you feel if some material is rough or smooth, one has observed it, when one hears a sound, they have observed a characteristic of information, the eyes cannot see sound waves.

If one observes something that contradicts with some relationships they have in their mind, they can do two things with it. They can change their mind accepting the reality that their own senses have picked up, or they can deny that reality for other ambitions dictated by relationships in their mind, most likely around food, shelter, and clothing.

By observation, signals sent to the brain by being in a relationship, one realizes that everything is in a relationship, this starts from what has been called konke, the massless matter that gained mass during the big bang giving rise to basic particles, they are all made up of this material. This is confirmed every time a particle collider is switched on and an experiment takes place. One needs not discover these principles to be true, one comes across them by chance because all relationships are random.

One’s senses will rely this information to the brain that everything is in a relationship and that all relationships take energy to maintain from the smallest, konke, to the largest, the blackhole. All relationships are random, once ones senses picks up this truth it will affect the relationships in their mind, they can either choose to accept this truth and its implications, or deny this reality in action, but the reality will be there and they can never escape it. By denying reality that their own senses know to be true will usually if not always be around relationships concerning food, shelter, and clothing.

Having relationships constantly maintained and diagnosed by the senses, one knows themselves, one knows their capabilities at any task in front of them. One can either accept themselves and be grateful for who they are and their abilities, or they can not accept who they are and lie to themselves about their abilities for the sake of food, shelter, and clothing. Not to accept who one is, is to deny the evidence in front of them for some ulterior motive. It is like one claiming to be a powerful wizard but nobody ever sees them sending lightning bolts, they must find other ways to convince people that they dot actually have to see the lightning bolts, but be careful they can throw lightning bolts at any time, any time they will do it.

Refusing to go with evidence that every relationship is random one must cause trauma, make sure everybody knows their place and they continue with the illusion that they are somehow magicians and have all the answers by cultural decree, all knowledge be seen to come from them. They have accepted that they must cause trauma to keep up the illusion because they know the truth that all relationships are random.

Knowing the truth that all relationships are random, they must twist this truth such that to keep their positions society must accept the deterministic rule that goes back to religion the god’s, spirits, some today use science, genetics, usually the same people who tried to use religion, always looking for a way to subvert the reality, relationships are random. They need the trauma to protect their positions from those who could do better, and those that can do better are traumatized to remind them of their place.

One’s senses through observation and understanding of basic reality accepting that all relationships are random, accepts themselves for who they are. One understands they are capable in certain things and has gratitude for who they are. One accepts one’s strengths and limitations and understands that there is a real possibility that any human will outperform them even at where they perceive something to be their greatest strengths. They will accept this evidence no matter the circumstances.

Accepting reality, accepting what one’s senses pick up means being grateful for what one is. They do not need some props to pretend they are what they are not because they are not grateful of who they are, they are grateful, they accept themselves. They accept themselves because they accept the evidence that everything is in a relationship and all relationships are random. To get knowledge is a random relationship, it is very much possible that any human with enough discipline will have greater insights than themselves, and they do not need to hide this fact, due to the fact they accept reality.

Accepting that everything is in a relationship one realizes that war is a waste of time if it is around the most common reason, food, shelter, and clothing. Accepting limitations humans will trade not plunder. Humans will accept that those more suitable do not need trauma to be blocked just because they are better. What would the need of war be, this would have changed 200 000 years of human history, just accepting another is a human being, trauma is a cycle, a good guess accepting another as just a human would also have been a cycle, a cycle based on everything is in a relationship all relationships being maintained by energy, meaning time is spent to maintain those relationships.

The time can be spent accepting relationships are random, or not, and all that decision implies to relationships in one’s mind. Everything is random, even the name of a planet need not be trauma depending on the culture of those inhabitants.

To be honest to oneself, to accept the evidence from their senses is to accept everything in a relationship and all relationships are random. It is about the maturity of a mind, about a civilized mind.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom