Sunday, December 6, 2020

Establishment Black: Tool of Crushing Blacks for Elite

Establishment blacks, you see them everywhere, in the forefront, you see them in the establishment media, stuff like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, BBC, SKY, CBC, Voice of America, Radio France, France TV, German National Propaganda Corporation, the journalists, the mouth pieces, to convince others this is the way, it has nothing to do with telling the truth and nothing but the full truth.

The black professor, ask him or her what have you done, they will tell you they teach at Harvard, University of Toronto, Université de Paris, University of Stellenbosch, , Cambridge University? Have you contributed a law, they will tell you that is not for blacks, read the studies by the white man, the black is the most stupid, know our place, it is scientific, a black can not think, if we see a black thinking he must be immediately reported, that is nonsense? The black must talk of slavery, that is our speciality, the black who says everything is in a relationship before the white who pays us, is out of place, we must cry crocodile tears for our bread.

Then these establishment intellectuals will say what they say is true, the white people told them they are the smartest blacks, they will discover, if we can’t discover after receiving awards from the queen of England, what are you, we support the white robbing you, we are the smartest blacks. Like the first black Christians who looked down on other blacks because of ordinates from whites, these establishment blacks having being told they are the pinnacle of the black mind by the likes of Oxford, their envy will just crush them when the truth is laid in front of them, this white you say is so superior is robbing us, inside of course they glee and thank their gods, their gods being the billionaire leftists who use them telling them its okay to kill other blacks, because those billionaire leftists are themselves envious, and their house slaves, the establishment blacks teaching in their universities, being their journalists have been brain washed to accept that a thought can only come from these people.

But the establishment black is very sly. He or she will always talk about history, how whites robbed so and so’s thoughts in the past, how slavery was evil, always leaving out it was their kind who sold blacks, crying the loudest when a black is shot by a cop, tears filling buckets, but when the intellectual theft happens right now in front of them, their true colors come out, the con of a slave dealer.

They always had a black press, but even a hundred years ago they never talked of a black being robbed, they waited for death, because they where always an envious class with nothing to contribute but a con, I teach physics at Harvard, what have you contributed to this amazing subject, nothing. That is why, they must accept the establishment robbing blacks they are told they are smarter than. Nothing but a BMW for teaching at Harvard, contributed zero to the subject matter.

This class, has always been the sly animal, their envy is too great, and must be chopped down, the black journalist  and black professor who criticize Oprah Winfrey do not realize they are exactly the same thing, tools of the establishment, the slave trading class.

In their confusion they rob the blacks who they say are not smart, a whole Harvard Professor claiming she discovered where the notion that 2 + 2 is not equal to 4 comes from her, when the truth revealed silence, conning blacks with their white establishment masters.

The establishment black spreads the idea that the black is defeated, that he must be controlled by the approval of other races. That under no circumstances must a black think outside their given role, thw white master will decide a time and who that will be. That is why the establishment black hates liberty, the idea of freedom, socialism and fascism gives them control, even if their minds will never be capable of actually thinking. 

Useful tools, you will find them at the heights of the Club of Rome, an organization that once dedicated itself to reducing black population. You find them holding office in planned parenthood where the founder said a black is dirt, too much dirt. Is there a lie somewhere?

These toddlers then make the loudest noises about everything, pretending so much concern, it’s a gimmick, their ancestors where slave dealers. You will never get the truth from them. They are not even ashamed with their crocodile tears that they hold black people as they watch other races zoom ahead. Bullet in back of head with their masters is best. Or the black race perishes. They should go ahead, their master has all the weaponry. If we had arms, equal arms, that is why they fight to keep us disarmed, we would have long engaged, liars like this, our great great grandchildren will be cheated.

People are starving, why are you building atom bombs, sadly, without them you will be robbed of your very mind. Everybody must be equally armed, or even discussions of liberty, freedom, and equality are meaningless. 

We are people with a free mind, even if people cry their world renowned nonsense robs us, they must come upfront and say science is nothing but politics. It is gimmicks to cry of China taking intellectual property when the same society with their black slave dealers say it is okay for Lee Smolin to rob Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Bhekuzulu khumalo



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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom