Showing posts with label double slit experiment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label double slit experiment. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2020

Thomas Young Double Slit Experiment Will Confirm Magnetism is Particle

Background to the experiment

The Experiment is the photo above

The Background to the experiment is the research Bhekuzulu Khumalo has done into information. The experiments true origins are in the paper “The Algorithm of Information and the Origin of basic Particles:. A summary of Everything is in a Relationship from the view point of science not religion and philosophy. The first law of everything states that everything is in a relationship and that all relationships require energy to maintain resulting in a loss of freedom and giving a relationship structure thus we can categorize stuff.

Magnetism like all other phenomenon that is known has been categorized, as something unique. But one of the characteristics of everything is that everything is information and all information is discrete and can be used to compute, is the magnet different.

Theoretical Desires for Experiment

Everything being in a relationship means that the magnet must be out of relationships. If this is the reality this means that magnetism is about a system trying to reach the lowest state of energy that it can reach. Author ran this with George Hathaway the man who runs Hathaway laboratories, understood what we where trying to say without much argument, but just listening to the principles being laid out, we have this experiment.

Magnetism is a phenomenon about a system reaching as a low an energy state as possible. Its function is no more than when a system absorbs and releases photons, just a system trying to reach as low a state of energy as possible. Thus when we create electromagnetism we get

∆E = EB + EP     where

∆E = change in energy represented by the introduction of an electric current

EB = magnetic field

EP = photonic activity including heat and other

Thus, the energy of an electro-magnetic field is

EB = ∆E – EP

Particle Level Energy Regulator

The electromagnetic phenomenon is mostly about regulating energy in a system, heat is photonic activity that is just about releasing energy trying to reach lowest energy state just like all other radiation. Magnetism is the same phenomenon of balancing energy but has its origins in the particle, we see this with electrons. An electron can be considered a small bar magnet, the magnetism is associated with every particle, no particle is static as such, that is why there is a spin. This results often in a by product magnetism. Thus the total energy of a particle is:

P = P m+ EBP where:

P = particle energy

Pm = measured particle energy

EBP = energy of magnetic field from particle

The above is the total energy of the system of the particle. That is the system at maximum energy rather than at lowest energy.  But it operates at lowest energy 

Specific Absorbers

Both photonic activity and magnetism are about least energy state. The original particles in relationship are not destroyed. Both are absorbed by materials, light passes opaque stuff, magnetic field can pass cardboard, light cannot pass cardboard, but magnetic field absorbed by iron and such things, they create a barrier, and their barrier works the same way with photons, like when they pass through glass, what goes in is not the same photon as what comes out through glass. When magnetic field is created through iron, though absorbed, creation of magnetic field same principle, not same stuff creates magnetic field as that magnetized something.

Neutrinos are absorbed by nothing, as they are created by the the destruction in the relationship that creates them whilst with magnetism and photons, it is usually not accompanied by destruction of what creates them.

But All the Evidence is There, Experiment not needed

The illustration below shows the snippet of magnetic field and the patterns of photons, or any particle using Young’s double slit experiment.

Look at Einstein’s experiment, the photo electric effect, come on, do not pretend you can’t see the same principles at work here, the domains not all immediately being magnetized, there is a sequence, and once complete no matter how much energy you will get nothing more.

Anyhow, there is the experiment, very old tech but reliable, how does the magnet behave when we ask for the help of Thomas young, there is the khumson.

This alone will show it is a particle not a wave, but the above with observation will be monumental.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

If you like what you read, be generous if you can it will be appreciated

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Explaining the Thomas Young Experiment

I am reluctantly posting this paper on this blog in order that people understand where the idea for the paper, "The Photon and Endless Energy" comes from. And even this paper has its roots in scrap thoughts I had trying to reconcile wave theory and information, never forgetting all information is discrete.

This paper needs more working on, however the process of ziyenza can be written about. Another fact that will stand the test of time from this paper will be the explanations for figures 9, 9.1, and 9.2, we know where the particle is going if we understand its charecteristics, the information that makes it up, yes. we can know where each and every particle will end up in the double slit experiment.

Why do we need the sun, only for photons, once we control and capture photons, we do not need the sun.

Explaining the Thomas Young Experiment

Abstract:         Looking at a photon and accepting experiments that have taken place we can understand what happens in the Thomas Young experiment when we try to observe which slit the particle goes through and have an answer for the wave particle duality. Understanding this allows us in practical terms to remove the idea of the power of the human’s mind to control a particle as we accept the only interactions that can be taking place. The major implications of understanding what is happening when we observe the particle deciding which slit to take is we understand the very roots of optics as well as the potential of enormous amounts of energy for humanity. At the end of the discussion lingering questions will remain, where does the photon get its energy from? And secondly if the arguments presented in this paper are proven wrong, then how do we fundamentally see if a photon can not self radiate. As with most papers in dealing with the very small, with light, with quantum mechanics experiments are presented.

Keywords:      captured photons, double slit experiment, energy, information, photon, single photon, ziyenza

Introduction:  Thomas Young first performed what could be dubbed as the most popular and most puzzling experiment in physics back in 1801. Today the experiment is commonly known as the double slit experiment. Hence forth the Thomas Young experiment will be called the double slit experiment, though it would be more academically correct to call it the Thomas Young experiment, acknowledging the origins of the idea.

Though the world tries to portray the findings of quantum mechanics as bizarre, they can only do this because most theories in quantum mechanics are easily testable in principle, what is required most often is the instrumentation. As knowledge increases one discrete piece at a time, one knowl at a time, technology reciprocates, increasing one discrete unit at a time and the instrumentation eventually catches up to the theory and an experiment must take place to verify the theory, with experimentation we either accept or reject the hypothesis. Procedures are firmly placed on how to experiment, but not only how we experiment, how we extrapolate knowledge from the experimentation process, create new theories and eventually when instrumentation catches up experimentation takes place and the theory is either verified or rejected.

After the experimentation process takes place, one can either accept the results or dispute them for example, one can either choose to accept to accept Alain Aspects entanglement experiments and the implications, or one can choose not to support the results of Alain Aspect’s experiments for their own reasons, for their own character make up, the driving forces of their life’s, is entanglement incomparable to light, because of the different physical properties of the phenomenon’s? Accepting experiments is about how one accepts reality, though vaccines in general have proved to be effective, there are still millions who don’t accept the benefits of vaccination.

Entanglement is seemingly one bizarre aspect of quantum mechanics even though it is proven regularly, it is a phenomenon that is part of reality and as scientists to answer many questions we need to look at the isolated phenomenon in relation to the environment, all relationships result in a loss of freedom, this loss of freedom is what experiments try to understand, what is the result of this loss of freedom, what is result of things bumping into each other, do they bounce of, is one absorbed, do they absorb each other, experiments are about seeing relationships in one way or another. Theories set out possibilities in these relationships that are yet known or proven but are based on sound scientific and analytical background.

Light:  Light has some bizarre questions that need to be asked, when we can do this we can solve the riddle of the double slit experiment, what happens when we observe light going through the slits?

Most often what must be considered is right in front of us, they say apples fell in front of Newton, and to millions of other people throughout the millennia, fruits fell from tress all over the world. The information package that was Newton was inclined to understand the principle of why the apples fell from the tree, the relationship between the apples, the apple tree and the earth, all experiments are about understanding relationships. Is understanding light simply a matter of observation what is all around us, light? First, we need to remember how we see that apple fall from the tree, or how do we see how anything falls?

It is a well-known fact that if one was to knock over a box of cigarettes over the side of a table it will fall to the ground, this phenomenon of gravity is verified by nature everyday, every minute, you don’t need a laboratory to prove the existence of gravity, or if a rose will smell the same by any other name, we can see the box of cigarettes fall down to the ground thanks to photons. We can see the beer can that remained on the table thanks to photons, like we can see everything else. We identify common objects like a stool in the way usually thanks to our interactions with photons. We can see that can of beer on the table because it is reflecting light and our photon sensors, our eyes pick up these photons. The photons enter the eye with a certain pattern, interacting with different sensors in the eye, the patterns of the photons are turned into electrical patterns that the brain understands. These patterns allow the brain to differentiate things, direct the hand to hold the can of beer that has mass. Everything we can see will reflect light differently because of locality. Two seemingly identical cans can never reflect photons in the same way because of different locations, hence the brain can differentiate between the two localities, the brain directs the hand not to the empty can but to the full can.

In the illustration above, photon energy affected the electrical circuitry of the brain, this electrical energy was converted into mechanical energy to grab hold of the full can of beer and direct it to the mouth. Light allows us to observe our surroundings. It is photons interacting with our photon sensors that allow us to peer through a telescope, this interaction between photons and our photon sensors, our eyes allow us to see our reflection in the mirror.

This is all readily acceptable, but how does it allow us to explain the Thomas Young experiment, especially what happens when we observe light as it passes through the slits? To observe light one needs sensors, humans have eyes, there is an interaction of electricity and photons and that is how we see. This is but one characteristic of light. But for this to be meaningful we must look at the photon, we must look at light.

Capturing the Photon on April 11, 2013 the 1MIT Technology Review had an article entitled “First Demonstration of the Storage and Release of light in metamaterial.” The capturing sub heading reads “Nobody has been able to trap electro magnetic waves inside a metamaterial and then release them again. Until now.” This is a technological leap through, humans have made light be still like a cigarette lighter on the table. When something is still we can look at it, the lighter on he table, because it is still, we can look at it, see its colour, its size, it’s markings. Now that we can make light still to know it will be to look at it, just as we look at a lighter on the table, imagine the difficulty of observing anything to it true depths if it was always on the move. The fact that Toshihiro Nakanishi and colleagues Takehiro Otani, Yasuhiro Tamayama and Masao Kitano where able to capture photons in such a medium means sooner than we think we will look at light, but we already know what to expect because of past experiments.

As recently as 2015 2Nature Photonics published an article “Extraction of a single photon from an optical pulse”, soon single photons will be captured and studied. It is not at all far fetched to have a thought of looking at the photon.

What would happen if we could look at a photon, we would see the photon. We know from previous experiments that in normal circumstances there is no photon been reflected but we will be able to observe the photon, for us to observe the photon it means that the photon is somehow radiating itself, we shall call this process of self radiating ziyenza, a rose by any other name.

This process of ziyenza should not seem far fetched at all if we are up to date with current events in the experimentation process taking place around the world. For example, we know in normal circumstances there is no photon to photon interaction, but in intense artificially created fields there is photon to photon interaction, and other interesting facts about light and its relationships with its surroundings. In colliders, photons smash into each other, a by product of the collider process, it’s an unintended consequence but a consequence none the less.

On a 3CERN blog, there is an article written in 2014 by Achintya Rao entitled “The LHC as a photon collider,” photons apparently smash into each other producing other particles. Reading the article there are some comments of interest for instance, “As they fly through the LHC, the accelerating protons radiate photons, the quanta of light. If two protons going in opposite directions fly very close to one another within CMS, photons radiated from each can collide together and produce new particles, just as in proton collisions. The two parent protons remain completely intact but recoil as a result of this photon-photon interaction: they get slightly deflected from their original paths but continue circulating in the LHC. We can determine whether the photon interactions took place by identifying these deflected protons, thus effectively treating the LHC as a photon collider and adding a new probe to our toolkit for exploring fundamental physics.”

Observing a Photon:   What is of interest to us are the comments protons radiating photons, the larger quotation is for people to accept that under artificial conditions there can be photon to photon interaction. When protons radiate photons, this is not the same as an atom radiating photons because of changes in its energy composition, this is a proton radiating photons under these artificial conditions, by the end of this discussion, many might very well doubt that it is the proton radiating the photon, but that is not the focus of this discussion. But what we know from experiments is that under intense artificial fields the photon radiates a proton, this means there is an imbalance within the proton and a photon is released. By the end of this discussion we should be able to ask, is it the proton radiating the photon or is it possible other relationships are taking place within the proton because of the intense fields.  

Looking at a photon to see that photon means it must radiate energy, in this case itself, it ziyenza’s itself. This is illustrated in figure 1 below.

For us to observe a photon this is only possible if it radiates itself, for us humans, not yet talking about machines and electronic sensors, just our eyes. Hypothetical but allows us to understand a photon. For us to see the photon it must go through the process of ziyenza. This means that a photon can be in two states, when it is freer or under conditions where it is compelled to go through the process of ziyenza, observing the particle creates the conditions for ziyenza. For us to recognize that the photon is there it must register with our brain by registering with our sensors, our eyes, that turn the photon information into electronic information so that we understand, we never actually ever see the photon, but a product of ziyenza and that is only because we have electronic sensors that can translate photons into electronic images.

When we look away from the photon there is no other sensor in our body that can be able to sense the photon, the relationship with the photon that is stationary and being observed is with the eyes, with the sensors, these sensors detect the photon causing it to be in a condition of ziyenza where it is capable of been in a relationship, to observe the photon, the newly created photons are energy that the eye senses, there is a relationship and an energy cycle is involved. There must be an energy cycle involved because it takes energy to register that there is a photon there.

Figure 2 is showing two observers of the same photon. Note that the photon is already in a state of ziyenza, its behaviour will not change it will interact with the second observer as with the first.

N observers should yield the same behaviour as illustrated in figure 3.

Having seen the behaviour of a photon in relation to our electronic electromagnetic sensors, our eyes, we can add another thought, returning to figure 1 with one observer, what happens when there is another observer observing the photons going to A1. Let us freeze frame everything and introduce observer a second observer A2. For A2 the observed photon is different than A1, this is illustrated in figure 4, and this illustration will be important when thinking about experimentation given the availability of instrumentation, but the strength of dealing with light is there will always come a time when it is possible to carry out it is not like theories that deal with big bang, scientific evidence for and against a big bang, holograph theory, the principle of ziyenza because of the nature of the study of optics will be tested sooner or later. Hopefully one is understanding the electromagnetic field relationship between the eyes and the photons.

Unfreezing the scenario in figure we will realize the photons will be moving at extreme high speeds, A2 registering any of the photons means that the process of ziyenza is still taking place at very high speeds.

Understanding the Double Slit Experiment:   A photon stream will make two patterns, it will either behave as particles, or as a wave. This is an accepted fact, but for clarity it will be important to cover the principles behind the bizarre behaviour of the photon stream. It really is seemingly bizarre and a host of new age principles are based on the reality that the Thomas Young experiment seemingly is unexplainable and there must be something special about human beings to affect the behaviour of a particle by thought alone, affecting matter just as the gods had desired for us. Even some physicists are taking the idea seriously about how powerful the human mind is and are designing experiments towards proving this end.

On May 23, 2017, the online scientific magazine 4Futurism had the headlines “Scientists Have an Experiment to See If the Human Mind Is Bound to the Physical World.” Scientists from the well funded Perimeter Institute in Ontario, Canada, want to test the idea that the human mind is a unique creation able to create matter. This discussion obviously tends towards these are natural phenomenon and the human being does not function outside the laws of nature. Just because we are human does not negate the relationship between electro magnetism and photons. Eyes are photon sensors, just far more sophisticated than say gamma meters or heat sensors, heat is because of photon actions. If heat sensors where as sophisticated as the eye we would see in detail a human face translated into heat patterns, every crack on the face, scar on the ear.

5Lucien Hardy the author of the paper “Proposal to use Humans to switch settings in a Bell experiment” that was the idea behind the article in Futurism, has an interesting quote about what they are attempting to achieve. The quote is as follows, “We suppose some sort of mindmatter duality in which the physical universe is local and super-deterministic. In the absence of minds, then, it is possible to violate Bell inequalities. Now we suppose that minds act on the physical universe locally introducing “new information” into the physical universe through the brain.” He has an experiment in mind and, as has been explained, most concepts in quantum mechanics can eventually be tested then supported or discarded. This is a fundamental advantage of dealing with basic information, logic builds a model, following on previously successful experiments. Hopefully the experiments provided in this discussion will be meaningful in helping us understand light at its most basic, what happens when we look at light, and what are the implications?

Figure 5 below shows a common illustration, the wave pattern of the Thomas Young experiment.

Figure 6 again shows a common illustration, what happens when we observe the process of photon stream going through he double slits, the photon stream instead of behaving like a wave, behaves like particles.

As curios human beings we want to know why this change in the pattern, why is light behaving differently. Accepting the logic that has been laid out in this discussion, we understand that there are two opposite states a photon can be in, this does not in any way argue against the photon having other properties like polarity, another property is it can be in a state of ziyenza, or not. In a state of ziyenza the photon is replicating itself, this means extra energy is being used and it enters a state of lower energy. In this lower energy state, it behaves as what has been called like a particle. When it is not in a state of ziyenza, the particle stream is freer, it is not in a relationship that causes the state of ziyenza. The state of ziyenza is caused seemingly by observation, observation to be registered implies electromagnetic wave field, relationships, within the electromagnetic field and this will be firmly understood in the next two paragraphs.

Figure 7 below shows what is happening when we observe looking to peek into which slit does the particle choose when we observe, the particle stream behaves like particles. Figure 7 is showing what is happening.

In figure 7 we see that we have a sensor that is trying to peek into the secret of what slit does the particle choose. For the sensor to detect the presence of the photon it can only do this through the electromagnetic field, the sensor is electric, there is no other way for us to do this. The sensor and photon interact in the electromagnetic wave, there is no where else for them to interact, and that causes the photon to be in a state of ziyenza, because to measure the photon, it must give of some energy in the electromagnetic field. The energy the photon gives off however is not enough for it not to reach the destination, it just reaches that distance behaving differently, the relationship has changed the destination of the photon.

The highly sensitive sensors replace our eyes to cause the state of ziyenza in figure 7. This should squash the idea that somehow humans are the cause. True by observing humans are the cause of light to behave like a particle instead of a wave, but this is merely because of interactions within the electromagnetic wave, if a dog could observe as keenly as a human it would have the same effect.

Understanding this, it would best be to at this moment discuss the experiment that was laid out by Lucien Hardy where he wants to show that human beings can be used for the entanglement experiment, he should also test chimpanzees, they also switch buttons on and off, it is just the electromagnetic field.

First Experiment:       The first experiment proposed is a simple extrapolation of the original “let’s observe what is happening,” experiment. It is merely adding a second observer to figure 7. This second observer observes the first observer. What is being investigated is the behaviour of the photon stream, the photons. Will we get the effect as laid out in figure 4, this will be a conclusive proof of ziyenza. By merely placing a second observer the dynamics of the experiment change. We have two relationships in the experiment. The first relationship is the original observation, the second relationship is observing the original observation.

What we want from sensor 2, is to merely register increased photon activity and we know that the process of ziyenza is a reality. We can see this set up in in figure 8.

The success of this experiment merely depends sensor 2, S2, detecting increased photon activity going to sensor 1, S1.

Experiment 2: A simple experiment, depending on truth of recent scientific breakthroughs, is simply to observe photon that has been stored thanks to development in technology. For this we modify figure 1 to get figure 9.

Having a stored photon, can a photon sensor sense it, if it can that means the process of ziyenza is taking place. When we read papers about storing a photon/ s, we realize for example that they are in some storage material like metamaterial. The photon must be still and material must not be able to greatly affect by the electromagnetic field and thus not shield the photon/ s from outside interference. If the sensor in figure 9 can sense the photon, that means the photon is somehow radiating itself.

Implications:   Does material radiate photons or do photons radiate themselves given what is now considered peculiar conditions. For example, in the colliders, is it protons radiating photons or are photons radiating themselves from within the proton given the intense electromagnetic fields inside colliders, thus forcing protons to be in a state of ziyenza.

If these experiments prove successful, where does the photon get its energy from to undertake this process of ziyenza, ziyenza is strictly a process of something radiating itself, or self replicating, but it needs energy to do this. The most likely place thanks to previous studies is that this energy comes from dark matter and dark energy. Therefore, further studies in optics should yield results in the near future concerning the nature of dark energy.

Can we replicate this in a large enough scale, if yes then we have possibilities of having solar power even in the dark.

Where is the photon?  Understanding that when we observe the double slit experiment we get particle behaviour, due to influences in the electro magnetic field, we can convincingly say if Ziyenza proves to be true, we know where the photon is, some of the randomness taken out, we only know where it is because these are controlled experiments. Figure 9 shows the effects of ziyenza, wave behaviour and particle behaviour over one another.

Figure 9 argues that we can know where the particle is if we know enough information about that photon, what other information is affecting the information package that is the photon. We can see the if we correspond numerically the numerical values of y and r as same particle given a condition of being observed or not being observed. With more information understanding what is happening we become more certain in understanding where the particle ought to be, we understand that there is a transformation process caused by the process of ziyenza, this is due to the different relationships the photon has with its surroundings in terms of energy, when a photon is observed, it goes to a different energy state compared to when it is not being observed.

Figure 9.1 and 9.2 are merely a visual separation of what is going on in figure 9.

Conclusions:   It is hoped that this paper will introduce other ideas about what is considered “bizarre” behaviour, perhaps it is not the human, just a phenomenon of nature that we have not yet fully realized. These thoughts and corresponding experiments will allow us to postpone the boogeyman for now. Where does light get its energy from? Which particles in the wave spectrum have more energy, for example which particle has more energy given location on wave, y1/ r1 or y13 /r13, how does this affect their 6quantum tunnelling behaviour? These are fundamental questions that will eventually determine the material well being of humanity, boogeyman thoughts will be a hindrance and must be refuted as soon as possible. Those endowed with the resources will eventually have to verify this theory or accept the boogeyman


[1] MIT Technology Review, MIT, 30 May 2017
[2] Rosenblum S, Bechler O, Shomroni I, Lovsky Y, Guendelman G, Dayan B. Extraction of a single photon from an optical pulse 30 May 2017
[3] Rao A. The LHC as a photon collider, CERN Blog 30 May 2017
[4] Scientists Have an Experiment to See If the Human Mind Is Bound to the Physical World, Futurism, 30 May 2017
[5] Hardy L. Proposal to use Humans to switch settings in a Bell experiment, Cornell University Library 30 May 2017
[6] Khumalo B, Quantum Phone, Entanglement, and Information, Institute of Knowledge 30 May 2017

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Superposition, Beyond Speed of Light? Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr

Entanglement is a process that is illustrated firstly by Thomas Young’s experiment commonly referred to as the double slit experiment. The double slit experiment raises the question of superposition, a key sticking point between Einstein and quantum mechanics, in his era the sticking point was with the likes of Niels Bohr, their argument must be settled by an experiment.

With Young’s experiment light tends to have a wave pattern at point of observation in the manner illustrated by figure 1. This wave pattern of course is very different when observation takes place at the slits, we get a particle pattern, but this is not important to know for purposes of the final question, was Einstein correct on insisting on locality or was he just been a spoil sport. 

Superposition is also shown in the Stern Gerlach experiments, by illustrating superposition by deduction entanglement is implied. The stern Gerlach experiments show at point of observation the polarity of a particle, this is illustrated in figure 2.

We say be deduction superposition leads to entanglement, and it is here that what can be called well experimented physics, probably the most experimented field in science, quantum mechanics. However great these experiments are they do have a logical flow, because they test for superposition not for entanglement. They are assuming they are testing for entanglement because superposition leads to the principles of entanglement, but tests concerning entanglement being thorough because of assumptions made in the tests for superposition, this leaves the debate open because they can never prove 100% what it is they are trying to because the tests are around superposition and superposition can’t prove entanglement merely support it.

We must first however look at the greater implications of one last enhancement to the double slit experiment. The double slit experiment is illustrated if figure 3.

At the point of observation we shall of course see a wave pattern as in figure 1. What happens when we combine the minds of Young and Stern and Gerlach, we get figure 4. 

What now is observed at the location of observation. The first possibility of course is we observe as in figure 1, a similar wave pattern. If this is the reality then the magnetic field would have no effect, this is highly unlikely. The second type of observation we can get is illustrated if figure 5.

Figure 5 shows the results of possible polarization associated with the proposed Young Stern Gerlach experiment.

Figure 6 shows another possible scenario from this proposed experiment, a bit more complicated but none the less a possibility.

Figures 5 and 6 illustrate polarization in wave form, these are real possible scenarios of the proposed experiments, have such relationships been considered, are they predicted, that is why experimentation is so important. In the long run nobody really knows what knowledge will lead to, Stern Gerlach experiment is only a possibility because somebody understood magnetism and created a compass, long ago.

Just looking at figure 6 we can already imagine a wave going ahead, and waves perpendicular, how many more cosines?

Is the Young Stern Gerlach experiment worth it? That is a question just put forward, but the obvious answer is yes because a greater understanding of reality will be understood, greater efficiency in technology, ever more precise our measuring instruments.

The Young Stern Gerlach experiment is also important in that it illustrates to an observer of society how fashion affects everything including science. The fashion of the time was the debate of is it possible to travel faster than time and the question of entanglement has given proponents of faster than light a solid foundation, theoretically and experimentally. The Young Stern Gerlach experiment probably should have been done 50 – 70 years ago, just in order to understand wave theory better, just to understand polarization at greater understanding. If it had been done 50 – 70 years ago how would present equations look, possibly some little differences here and there.

Thomas Young’s experiment is so successful, political scientists believe it is so great it can not be named after him it belongs to the committee, so we have the Stern Gerlach experiment, but not the Young experiment, rather the double slit experiment. Being so successful nobody felt it could deliver anymore than superposition and entanglement. It can help us understand polarization better. Instead they immediately went to debate the results of the Young experiment, superposition and its implications.

Entanglement is clearly accepted but the question is, where does this superposition takes place, believe it or not it falls down to, if the entanglement is at the source Einstein is correct, nothing can travel faster than light, if it is at any time a measurement is taken, what is a measurement, it means a relationship has been built. We know that the first law of everything is that every relationship results in a loss of freedom. Measuring results in loss of freedom, so to answer he question merely by looking at the universe does the mouse change the nature of the universe, and the answer is yes, the photons will land in the eyes of the mouse rather than the back of the mouse. If the mouse was not in that spot the photons would hit the rocks, changing their location. It is about locality this debate. An insignificant mouse has changed the nature of the universe, it is just that humans do not understand every piece of information is important, it all has the same value, a knowl basically. Understanding information theory a knowl is the most basic particle, no, it is the most basic piece of information.

If the entanglement is not at the source that means something has gone faster than light, some type of signal, this seems pretty simple to grasp when talking at the quantum level. Successful experiments have been carried out, these tests are to test Bells inequalities. The way John Bells inequalities are set shows he is a clear supporter of Einstein, if the results of he experiment agree with Bells inequalities, then Einstein is correct. If the results contradict Bells inequalities entanglement is faster than light, it has to be looking at the experiment carried out by Alain Aspect. Figure 7 illustrates Aspects experiment.

Figure 7 shows one of the most important experiments in quantum mechanics, without the double slit experiment however we would not have this so important experiment. We have a photon emitter, it shoots two entangled particles and they must pass through a filter, these filters only allow photons of certain polarization to go through. If both particles pass through the filter and if both particles do not pass through the filter that proves entanglement. And just in case theory is not good enough we have a measuring instrument to measure the polarization. 

For the sake of defending general relativity and locality, Einstein said entanglement, superimposition occurred locally, at the source, inside the photon emitter, it is absurd to think of it as happening at the filters, that would imply something is moving faster than the speed of light, to send a message and tell the other particle what it should do.

To counter this argument Aspect set up the filters in such a way that they changed their polarity so rapidly it is impossible to think of anything being able to fool it, we are witnessing a truly random event. There was 100% correlation if one particle went through the other particle went through, if one particle did not go through the other particle did not go through 100% of the time, the experiment has been carried out over and over, Bells inequalities are broken, something is happening at a speed greater than light.

Bells inequalities are for testing for locality, not entanglement, the argument is entanglement faster than light rests upon the Alain Aspect experiment being correct. What this experiments says and rests on this, if the polarization filters are random enough, then we have a random even, and this random event is 100% correct in supporting the idea that what polarization the particles will take place will be at the moment of measurement not at the source of the particles. This is what is being tested and from here it is inferred that because the moment when the particles decide their charge is at measurement, something is traveling faster than light. And to prove it we have figure 8.

Now in figure 8 we have Aspects experiment used to prove that entanglement is faster than light. The underlying idea is that the photon emitter emits 2 entangled photons going in opposite directions. The entanglement will be confirmed by the measuring instruments as they measure the polarity. However, when the photon that travels the shorter distance is registered, immediately a beam of light is shot. The assumption is that if the particle that has to travel the longer distance hits its measuring instrument before the beam of light, there is a timer to measure who gets first the particle or the beam of light, then this is valid proof that entanglement is faster than light. Well calculated results have come up that show that entanglement is from2 times the speed of light to several thousand times the speed of light, it is not consistent.

The big flaw in figure 8 of course is that the particle that travels the longer distance already has a head start over the beam of light, in quantum mechanics that is a big head start, even electrons are travelling at near the speed of light, this is why the results vary so much, sometimes light is 35 times the speed of light, sometimes 10 000 times the speed of light according to the taste of one’s calculations

Science is not about taste, what one favors, it is about reality. First of all, Aspects experiment where designed around the idea of locality, when do particles decide their polarity. If they decide the polarity at the source, there is nothing faster than light, if they occur at point of measure there something faster than light. That is all the experiment can decide, it can’t be adapted for something else, because one can still argue that the change in the filters is not random enough, but if they are random enough there is something faster than light, the argument is around locality not entanglement.

It has been explained why Aspects experiment can not be adapted to test if entanglement is faster than light such as figure 8, how can a photon catch up to a photon, and the resistance in the measuring instruments gives varying results of false faster than light from 2 to almost 10 000 times faster than light, this is disrespect to science. Aspects experiment only say choices are made at moment of measure therefore there is something faster than light, it is instantaneous. It is not 2 times faster than light or 10 000 times, that is mathematics, just enjoying maths for maths sakes. It is instantaneous, an experiment must be designed to measure this instantaneous entanglement, the old-fashioned way, a good old 100-meter dash, a good old sprint, what is faster.

We know from Aspects experiments that have been repeated over and over that entanglement is true, those that fully support the results must accept it is instantaneous, entanglement and light must race, we are no longer testing locality, we are testing speed. Aspects experiments are very important, they are important around teleportation, around commercial commodities like the quantum phone, we must scrutinize ourselves, can we prove ourselves with out doubt. Only a race, something designed to test speed not locality can solve that, this is shown in figure 9. Figure 8 is cheating, it’s like asking one 100-meter runner to do a somersault before and then catch up, photon versus photon. Such faith that one is willing to cheat.

Figure 9 shows a simple race we have two entangled particles, one red one blue, they are entangled so obviously when the red one turns blue the blue one must instantaneously turn red. We have a laser emitter, and we have a timer that will tell us when the blue particle becomes red and light reaches the same distance between the 2 particles. This experiment is around entanglement not locality. It does not matter where the particle got its polarity, at the source or at moment of measure, what matters is the 2 particles are entangled.

The experiment works such that we reverse the polarization of the red particle, at that very moment that the polarization of the red particle occurs a beam of light is released as a laser. When the blue particle reverse polarity the timer will register it, when light reaches the same distance as between the red particle and blue particle the timer will register it, whoever gets there first is the winner and the debate is settled once and for all.

If entanglement is true, the expected results are not that entanglement is not twice as fast as light, or 10 000 times as fast as light. The expected results that taking out the imprecision's in the measuring instruments it can be concluded that by the time the blue particle reverse polarization, light has not even left its source, mathematics as we know it must also change to keep up with our understanding of information. 

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

Obviously you can just test entanglement with a stop watch, but what fun is there in it, let it race light and embarrass it. 



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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom