Sunday, June 28, 2015

Information Theory Answers Quantum Tunneling

Quantum tunneling is puzzling, here we have a quantum phenomenon that chooses to pass a barrier or not to pass a barrier. So far, a bizarre answer is seemingly only answer, that the quantum phenomenon borrows energy from the future passes through the barrier and pays it back, but how does it pay it back, it presumably used up the borrowed energy passing the barrier, where does it get energy to pay back the future?

Information theory basically says a particle is information, it is a package of information. That package of information is made up of smaller packets of information, an electron or photon is just an information package. What does it take to become particle x, it takes a certain amount of information, a critical amount so to say until an information package can safely be defined as particle x, or just think defined as an electron if you prefer.  That information package must have enough information that it has certain characteristics that define that particle.

Once it has enough information that it is say defined as an electron as it has the characteristics of what is considered an electron. The information packages need not be identical for them to fall in the set of particle x. Apples are not identical even those from the same tree, but they are all considered apples. This is what quantum tunneling is showing, that not all the electrons are identical even though they all fall in the exclusive set of electrons.

Realizing that information packages need not be identical quantum tunneling is explained by the size of the electron, smaller particles passing through where the larger particles do not pass. The distribution of this phenomenon is likely a direct relationship between size of the particle, the amount of information of the particle and the size of the barrier such as Sp = a - bSb bounded by Sp = 0 and Sb = 0, such that:

Sp = size of particle
Sb = size of barrier
a = constant
b = constant

This is an experiment that can be carried out at any time with those with access to the equipment and it will be more than confirmed that it is the size of the information package that allows quantum tunneling. Constant variation in nature from the smallest to the largest of information packages.
If it is not the size then it is some particular information differentiating the particles.
Having determined that it is size that affects quantum tunneling, we will most likely also find that there is a familiar random distribution, there is a certain barrier size that the majority of particles go through.

This theory has industrial applications, building quantum computers one would need to be able to harvest the smallest information packages that determine a particle, saving energy, get more of the quantum effects.

Bhekuzulu Khumalo

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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom