What is
a magnetic monopole? It is a magnet that emits 1 polarized phenomenon. It will
either emit south or north polarized phenomenon but not both.
It turns out that it is not difficult to induce. True millions if not billions have been spent on salaries, wages, laboratory equipment, but the phenomenon is easy to induce if we start looking at magnetism from basic quantum magnetism. First prove it is a particle, and the only way to prove that is to interfere with it and measure the magnetic pattern. Whilst doing that you create a monopole because you can only use material that can be magnetized. Then one realizes they can create a monopole of any length.
Reading an article by Adam Hadhazy, that appeared in discovery magazine on November 12 2018 titled “Scientists Hunt for A Seeming Paradox: A Magnet With Only One Pole”, he states “If magnetic monopoles ever do show up in Earth’s vicinity, or the detritus of particle collisions, we will know it. And should someone, somewhere, indeed manage to unambiguously nab one of the little rascals, then the real fun begins. Wrangling monopoles could be easy, bending the particles to our will just by applying common electromagnetic fields. Monopoles might flow as magnetic, instead of electric currents, paving the way for “magnetronic” technologies involving “magnetricity,” perhaps in ultra-compact data storage or totally re imagined computer architectures.”
So, we know that showing a magnetic monopole is of paramount scientific importance and people have been searching for it since the days of Dirac. Reading the paper by Sunil Mukhi, entitled “Dirac’s conception of the magnetic monopole, and its modern avatars”, shows how Dirac was so convinced of a magnetic monopole. To quote Mukhi, “Having presented this extraordinary insight, Dirac concluded
his paper on a modest note: the object had been to show that "quantum mechanics does not really preclude the existence of isolated magnetic poles" No change in quantum mechanical theory was required,just a deeper understanding of it.”
Reading Mukhi’s paper further his comments about Dirac, “Towards the end of his life, the complete lack of experimental evidence for magnetic monopoles began to weigh on him. In 1981, a year short of his 80th birthday, he was invited to Trieste for a conference to commemorate the 50th anniversary of his monopole paper. He declined the invitation due to the strain of travelling, but sent a letter of thanks to Abdus Salam, the Nobel Laureate and Director of the Centre at Trieste. In this letter, Dirac wrote: "1 am inclined now to believe that monopoles do not exist. So many years have gone by without any encouragement from the experimental side."” Must have been heart breaking.
There is now experimental evidence, because one needed to start from first premise what is the nature of magnetism, is it a particle, if so how do we prove it, because it can not defy everything else that is discrete, and in proving it is a particle one will invariably create a monopole.
Technique of Creating a monopole
Any magnet will do, but in this case the dimensions of the magnet are given below, it was a 4 X 2.5 X 2.5cm Neodymium magnet as illustrated in figure 1. The set up is strictly to illustrate a monopole.
The set up is fairly simple and is illustrated in figure 2.
such a set up a gauss reading should show that the ion rod, 40 cm as it is,
pretty long, with understanding perhaps it can be stretched to infinity. A
gauss meter reading should show that everything emitting from the iron rod is
of one pole depending on how one set up the demonstration. It is the last 3cm
near the magnet where the gauss meter readings will be confused, but this
merely because the readings are overpowered by the magnet. The gauss readings can be seen in this video, creating a long monopole.
However if one takes a compass, yes that old Chinese invention, they will see what is illustrated in Figure 3.
As can be seen from figure 3, even if there are those saying a compass is unreliable, on top of the gauss readings, confirms the iron rod is artificially magnetized. That is the technique, going back to basics and testing those basics, treating the magnetism is a basic quantum phenomenon and doing the tedious task of proving it understanding from the photon, electron, that only the basic experiments that consider the basic unique known characteristics of that phenomenon and then measuring it. That is the only way to prove something, there is no other way, otherwise people can argue for ever. Once proven the rest is politics, the name of the particle is associated with magnetism is the khumson.Looking at figure 3 we see that the magnet is dipole, it has a north and south pole, just looking at the way the compass points. There is the monopole and can be created easily by anybody with a magnet, cheap access to the future of science, cheap access to quantum mechanics.
What we Know
The monopole is just a phenomenon realising khumsons that are of the same polarization throughout, it can be created artificially, and has been done so by Bhekuzulu Khumalo since October 2020.
The phenomenon coming out of a monopole does not change the core character of the phenomenon. It is unstable and quickly dissipates. The original equations describing the phenomenon do not change.
Mph = ae-KePec Where: (1)
Mph = magnetic phenomenon
a = magnetic force at face
e = natural exponential function
Ke = kinetic energy
Pe = potential energy/ amount of matter
c = speed of light
Mph from equation (1) of course can now be expressed as
⭗= ae-KePec (2) where:
ž⭗ = number of khumson
One talks of number of khumson because what gives anything strength is the number of the particles. At the end of the day as everything is discrete we must be dealing with numbers, how much of something. The magnetic phenomenon gets weaker and weaker because of reduced number of khumsons.
Reading an article by T'mir Danger Julius entitled The mysterious missing magnetic monopole, from phys.org in 2016, she says “Using theory, we can estimate the maximum possible mass for the magnetic monopole. Given what we already know about the structure of the universe, we can estimate that the monopole mass could be up to an enormous 1014 TeV.” The we she is talking about is completely wrong.
The khumson is a massless particle. We know this because the weight of a magnet does not change because of emitting the magnetic phenomenon. True, there is a huge variety of khumsons, just like the photon, however, for any particle to be associated with magnetism it must be massless, all khumsons are massless none will ever be a heavy particle, that will be a particle that falls under a different classification, but nothing to do with magnetism.
Anyone can create a monopole using the simple set up as above.Nobody needs to look under the table for the monopole anymore.
Bhekuzulu Khumalo
Hadhazy, A. Scientists Hunt for A Seeming Paradox: A Magnet With Only One Pole (2018) https://www.discovermagazine.com/the-sciences/scientists-hunt-for-a-seeming-paradox-a-magnet-with-only-one-pole
Julius, TD. The mysterious missing magnetic monopole (2016)https://phys.org/news/2016-08-mysterious-magnetic-monopole.html
Mukhi, S. Dirac’s conception of the magnetic monopole, and its modern avatars. Reson 10, 193–202 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02835143
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