Monday, February 15, 2021

Khumson Realities around Magnetism: The Charge and the Beginning


Magnetism is associated with the particle the khumson, something proven. What was there before the big bang, highly charged stuff that could produce matter and anti matter, these class of particles are known as mntungwon class. The higgs boson is something after the big bang, mntungwon class gave us matter and anti matter setting up the big bang.  

We know that magnetism is associated with a particle and the particle has been called a khumson. This was not difficult to establish, it was merely to treat the magnetic phenomenon the way Galileo treated gravity, or Descartes and Newton treated light. We know from Thomas Young that one can investigate phenomenon by interfering.

End of 2020 the magnetic pattern was interfered with and measured with a gauss meter. The experiment was a success, why. Because of the figure below entitled “If A not B then particle/ wave”.


The data that was collected corresponded to A, and this was done several times, we would always end up with the wave no matter the interference. At 1 cm from face of slabs we had a pattern like in both A and B, however after 2cm the pattern changed and stayed the same ever after, well up to 10 cm.

If it was something that would confuse us, we would have got the pattern as represented in B, however the phenomenon organizes itself every time no matter the interference into a wave, something discrete organizing itself to go through a medium, and this discrete phenomenon is named a khumson. We must be patient full paper will be about, but one should not be too trusting.

Understanding it is a particle simplifies what comes after. Though one might be frustrated by asking the question why did the scientific community just take magnetism as any other phenomenon, we would have known it’s a particle 100 years ago, one must be grateful for the work that was done. We know the magnetic moment is associated with a charged particle, not just an electron, a charged particle, and that is important.

Take any charged particle X, it will deliver a magnetic moment, as shown in the illustration below entitled “charged particle and magnetism”. The charged particle X will releasees khumsons, the particle associated with magnetism, paired, equal amounts of energy on the north polarized khumson as with the south polarized khumson. A minimum of 6 khumsons, 3 north polarized and 3 south polarized. Covering the 540O of a cube counting for 90O.

But where does the energy to create the khumsons come from. A charged particle is where the khumson comes from, but where does the charged particle get all this energy from. Understanding why the magnetic phenomenon organizes itself into a wave, we understand, because it does this every single time, that it must do this because it is going through some sort of medium, be that medium aether, konke, dark energy, dark matter or yet some named entity, but the fact remains the khumson organizes itself int o a wave, as it does it every time it is because it is going through a medium.

The charged particle can only be getting energy from this medium that the khumsons always organizes itself into a wave to go through. There is no other reason to organize into a wave. This idea is shown in the illustration below, “background medium to medium”

As can be seen from the illustration entitled “background medium to khumson”, the charged particle to maintain its charge has to get this energy from somewhere, it can only honestly be getting it from the medium that the khumson organizes itself into a wave to go through.

The total amount of energy of the charged particle must therefore include the energy needed to maintain charge and the waste, the waste being magnetism, the khumson. As the khumson is discrete, we can understand that the background medium itself is discrete as proposed by the author back in 2016 or magnetism would be continuous, it is not. Not only that if it was continuous it would be impossible to get energy out of it, it would be impossible to isolate, a charged particle would have to take all that energy or none, but since there is more than one charged particle at a time giving out magnetism, no particle is using all that energy all particles charged particles have access to this background medium hence all the magnetism we see.


Total energy needed = charge plus magnetism

Ten = Charge + K                                             (1)


Being quantum, and us knowing that everything is discrete we know that this energy is in pulses, hence magnetism being a khumson. Each pulse being a moment of creation, yenza moment. Coming from charged particles, the khumson is further confirmation that all particles are made of the same stuff. A reality that was explained in the paper “The Algorithm of Information and the Origin of Particles


What we do know is that so far only charged particles are associated with magnetism, are associated with creating anything, have this continuous yenza moment, YT. Thus equation 1 becomes equation 2,


Ym = Charge + K                                             (2)


A Charged Particle is Needed for Creation

If it is only charged particles that have a yenza moment, and if the beginning had to do with explosions, matter and anti matter, then it can only be a charged particle that could have delivered such an event. We know south and north polarized khumsons annihilate each other.

A Higgs Boson has no charge, it is impossible for it to have been the origin of mass, by what process, we can say with confidence it must have been a particle with charge, heavy, a class of particles we will call the Mntungwon class of particles. Having mass as much as Higgs Boson or more producing a class of magnetism high in energy and thus more stable. Stable enough to react with each other and cause a lot of damage when the opposing poles met.

Magnetism like photons has varied types from low energy to very high energy and this is inbuilt in the very equations that illustrate the phenomenon.


K = e-KePec                                         (3) where

K = Total number of khumsons

Ke = Kinetic energy

Pe = Potential Energy

Equation (3) demonstrates why phenomenon disappears so fast mathematically, scientifically it is because it is unstable.

The Mtungwon class of particles can be illustrated as below, same as any charged particle but just having more mass.

What advantage does the Mntungwon class of particles have over the Higgs Bosson, they have a charge and therefore a known mechanism for creating matter as we know it at every yenza moment. The events leading to “big bang” type event had nothing to do with a Higgs Boson, only afterwards might Higgs Boson been of importance, after the big bang.

Inside the Magnet

If everything is aligned, we get what we have in the illustration entitled “if particles aligned”.

But a magnet moment of an atom, id defined by the total magnetic moment of the entire system, of all the charged particles, thus the above illustration can be about the magnetic domain of the material with all the dipole moments aligned, south all one way and north all one way. Because of the nature of 3 dimensions, one would says minimum 6 khumson particles for each yenza moment, 3 north polarized and 3 south polarized khumsons.

We can consider an atomic structure of magnetism, this is just to get a general activity, this will be just the sum total of the magnetic phenomenon that doesn’t cancel itself out within the atomic structure. This alignment of domains is shown in the illustration “if atomic structure aligned”.

As one can see the magnetic phenomenon are aligned, and wherever one cuts the magnet, there will still be alignment and we get our north and south poles. This is illustrated in the illustration below, “wherever cut get north south”

Wherever the magnet is cut we get same north south polarization.

Note that inside the magnet, there is no such thing as magnetism as such because it all cancels each other out. Magnetism comes from the surface. All khumson activity inside if the domains all align will cancel itself out, north and south cancelling each other out.

As khumson activity will be cancelling each other out, it is of no use to talk of flux lines within the magnet, just not possible.

Is Something Solid?

That magnetism cancels itself inside a magnet where all the domains align. We know nothing is really solid, but before we cut a piece of metal, or anything for that matter, is it solid, is there anything inside until we cut or break something. Nature does like saving energy. Before we cut anything, understanding for example that magnetism cancels itself out, is there anything there as in the illustration asking “is reality an illusion?”

As everything cancels out, we do not need any khumsons internally, this of course is just stuff to get ourselves thinking, can anything really be proven to be solid, like a slab of metal until we cut it. Questions to ponder as those seeking knowledge.

Why bother with internal magnetism if it is not solid inside, the universe has many illusions, just a question.


Magnetism is associated with a particle, the khumson, that clearly organizes itself into a wave, this can only be so because it is going through a medium.

The charged particle gets energy for this medium that the khumson organizes itself into a wave to go through. From this medium it sustains its charge as well as create a waste product, the khumson.

This means that charged particles are the only mechanism we can observe where material is being created from this background medium, no matter what people decide to call it. The fact is there is a background medium.

This background medium is discrete, not continuous, if it was continuous it would be impossible to be used as energy as on charged particle would use up the whole lot because it would not be able to be broken up if it was not discrete. The mere fact that there are trillions upon trillions of charged particles all getting energy from same source to create magnetism means the medium is discrete.

Only charged particles have shown us that they can create, khumsons are created as a waste product of the process of sustaining the charge. It is the only mechanism known, therefore, the initial creation of the matter from this background medium that is discrete can only have been something that will create 2 types of matter from that single background source, it can only be a charged particle, a Boson can only come after. But it, even a Higgs Boson must come from events after the creation of matter and anti matter, north pole is anti to south polarized khumson, and this can only be done by a charged particle. Only charged particles have the mechanism to create stuff before the big bang, stuff that led to the big bang,

These charged particles would have a charge equal or greater than an electron and should have significantly more mass, thus significantly producing more waste. It could be one particle or a class of particles. Most likely a class of particles, and this class of particles shall be known as the mntugwon class of particles. These are the charged particles that through a relationship with the background medium where the first to create stuff, a haze of matter and anti matter it must have been magnetic in character but much more stable, because it has led to electrons, photons, all the particles that are in this stable universe.

This type of magnetism could explain the large magnetic fields that are being discovered, The huge magnetic fields discovered by the likes of Federica Govoni and talked about in establishment magazines like Quanta Magazine and written about by science writers like Natalia Wolchover, “The Hidden Magnetic Universe Begins toCome Into View”.

But mostly magnetism supports the idea that everything is in a relationship, magnetism, khumsons are made up of the same stuff as electrons, they are made up of the same stuff as neutrinos and protons, they come from each other in the sun and accelerators and nuclear reactors. One can not doubt that magnetism comes from charged particles, thus it is made up of the same stuff as all charged particles. As the author has said for some time, explained in algorithm ofinformation and the origins of basic particles.

Obviously as magnetism is being created right now, the background medium was far from all used up in creating this reality of ours.


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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom