Saturday, May 7, 2022

Why Bhekuzulu Khumalo and Science?

 As you have guessed my name is Bhekuzulu Khumalo, and you are probably asking yourself why this guy is talking about science. As you will find out, science is more than just discovering, there is a lot of politics that heavily includes nationalism involved in science, science is done by human beings and because people accept this is a field that requires some thought nationalism can run rampant more than in any other discipline. Perhaps this does not fit in with why should I even bother about a podcast on science, given the propaganda about people like myself from the so called elites of the free world, the real rulers of the continued desire for colonial type lies and desire to control all humanity by telling lies about their unique abilities because they can not exist with other human beings, they want to dominate other human beings and have no understanding or desire for the concepts of liberty, freedom, truth and justice. 

What is heat, why is something hot or not hot. How does the sun heat up things? Stand in the shade it is cool, get out of the shade into the sunlight it is warmer or hotter depending on how one uses the English language. But there is a clear degree of changes from one standing in the shade and one standing outside the shade. It is that simple, heat is photons. Only photons have the quality of heat. Temperature is just about how many photons there are in a given area. No need to go into the technicalities about different heat qualities of different waves, but even a cave man knows you go out of the shade it is hotter. Yes, I explained that simple concept that cavemen understood. Looks simple now, but I had to do a little thinking and research.

Yes, I remember, there was so much information we understood, information we understand becomes knowledge. Many sound work around the photon before my arrival on the scene, but whatever, a cavemen knew light creates heat, even when he lit a fire, it is photons not to be too technical. No, the rest is just politics, how can a Khumalo show us reality, we have our publications in the mainstream media that says a black male has the lowest IQ, what can one do, no, they know it is photons, no other particle has the quality of heat, us feeling hot is only a quality we get from photons. An electron, neutrino, quark, magnetism, khumalons, gravitons, these can never give you the quality of feeling hot, only a photon.

Heat is not unique phenomenon, if it was it would be it’s own particle, instead it is just the amount of photons. Heat is a property of the electro magnetic force, in particular photons.

In December 2011 there was an article in Popular magazine of a photo of a photograph of single photons moving.  The experiment seemingly has never been repeated, but one can look it up on youtube, the video is called “Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second” the experiment was done by some MIT guys. It is significant. Okay I will mention their names as if they will ever do such a courtesy, the experiment was done by Andreas Velten and Ramesh Raskar.

What does it mean to take a photo of a photon? It is a massive deal. See when we take a photo, we are capturing photons that are being reflected into the camera lens. These photons are travelling directly into the lens of the camera. Essentially all photos are photos of photons. However, to take a photo of a photon that is not being directed at the camera lens, something special has occurred. It means the photon, to allow us to take a photo is creating itself constantly, otherwise the feat is impossible. Or it is only creating itself because of human interaction, who knows, there is still so much to learn for the Thomas Youngs double slit experiment.

Open your mind. To take a photo of a photon not only means it is replicating itself somehow, but if we could somehow control its direction, make it go in a loop, or make it stationary, replace the camera lens with solar panels, we will have endless energy, can the experiments be repeated, but seeing as we already have evidence, a video, can we not somehow not try and contain photons in an electron field or magnetic field, it goes around in circle and instead of a camera lens we have solar panels. If that video is true and those MIT scientists did that, that is limitless energy.

Now, everything is in a relationship, from the smallest of things, basic particles, or fundamental particles to the largest pieces of information in the universe galaxies, in fact the universe itself is just an independent package of information with many galaxies, stars and planets. All relationships have a cost, that cost is energy.

When one says everything is in a relationship, where did the idea come from. It came from rejecting a philosophy of Einstein when he was confused by the double slit experiment. To get to everything is in a relationship I had to start by looking at knowledge as a commodity and applying scientific principles to the question what is knowledge? To cut a long story short, knowledge is information we know. Now these are problems of languages. I was about to invent a knew word for it because people would take their idea of information and make big arguments for the sake of opposing not thinking, not understanding the question what is knowledge?

After extensive searching about what people think information is I came across the definition that suited what I had found out about knowledge. This understanding of information came originally from a physicist named Wheeler. Everything is information, that falls in line with what knowledge is, information we know. There was then no need to invent a new word. All information has the same characteristics as knowledge, all information is discrete, is independent, is consistent, can be used to compute, and can tell the time.

I thought I would find the idea of information in philosophy from some philosopher, after extensive search I found it from one who does quantum physics. Pretty shocking, he shamed all those philosophers. Knowledge has the same qualities as information because you can only ever know information. It is information because if you look into it, study it it will reveal itself to you. Science is about asking the right questions, understanding what you are asking, as Socrates said, understanding the question is half the answer

Then one realizes all information is made up of the same stuff, basic particles. For these basic particles to form atoms and elements they must come into a relationship. Cutting a long story short, one realizes everything is in a relationship and all relationships result in a loss of freedom There is a loss of freedom because of the energy required to maintain that relationship, there is a cost to a relationship. Einstein never understood this that is why he asked the question if a mouse looks at the moon does it change the universe, yes it does, because the mouse and the moon will be in a different relationship than if the mouse did not look at the moon. 

Everything is part of this universe. Physically speaking when the mouse looks at the moon, it has an active relationship with the moon as a living thing. Photons enter its eyes. Yes that mouse has changed the universe, because if that mouse did not look at the moon, the photons would end up somewhere else, it is that simple, it was too difficult for Einstein to understand, why? because he did not have enough information. When photons are absorbed somewhere else, the universe has been affected, be it a moving ant a mouse or a human.

Believe it or not, where one throws away their litter, say a chocolate wrapping, that changes the universe, merely because that wrapper will have a different relationship with its environment that it litters, and its environment is part of the universe, it doesn’t have to be living. 

John Archibald Wheeler should be considered one of the greatest physicists and minds of the 20th century for understanding that everything is information and given awards posthumously, he did more for our understanding of the universe than many who have been given awards for physics. If it was not for Wheeler’s ideas I would have given up because there would be nowhere to find that correct definition of information whose properties align with the scientific analysis of knowledge I made, I would have thought I am just crazy and imagining things. But there was a mind whose definition of information aligned itself with knowledge, and because of that we know everything is in a relationship, and all relationships lead to a loss of freedom because of the energy costs involved.

All information is in a relationship and what we have thus far understood it is all made up of the same basic particles. All information packages have the same basic characteristics:

1.       All information is discrete

2.       All information can be isolated. Because it can be isolated that is how we know things and categorize them in the way that is suitable to us. We know that is a tree, a female, a lion, a star, a particle, an electron, a photon, and such.

3.       All information is consistent,

4.       Information packages are independent.

5.       All information packages are random

6.       All information packages can be used to tally, to do arithmetic’s, to compute. You can use an abacus, a tally system, cows, stars, humans, tin cans, or electrons and photons to aide in this.

7.       All information packages can tell the time.

8.       All information packages can be used to measure, how long is something. Half a giraffe, 10 cm, a Planck length, ones foot or hand.

As all information packages have the same basic characteristics and are made up of the same stuff, magnetism must also be discrete, can be isolated, consistent, independent, random, can be used to tally, can be used to tell the time.

To prove this, I had to set up an experiment to determine the nature of magnetism, that coming out of a lodestone, or from a magnet one can purchase at the market. After intensive and exhaustive experimentation, experiments that can be repeated by anybody on this planet.

Magnetism organizes into a wave formation; one can actually see it organize from the data. This was incredible to witness at first. The fact that it organizes into a wave proves two crucial factors about our existence and the nature of this universe. I am saying this universe because I am reluctantly accepting there might be more than one universe because of the randomness of things. But they will not be parallel universes, things and laws of existence will be different. 

These two crucial facts being firstly for magnetism to organize into a wave every time no matter how one interferes with it means it is discrete. Thus, magnetism is just like all other quantum phenomena it is both a wave and a particle, the particle being the quality of being discrete.

The second crucial thing for all the world to see, is that if it organizes into a wave no matter how much one interferes, it must do this as it is the most efficient way to travel, it must be travelling through something, the first real evidence that there is something finer, something more fundamental than basic particles. Earlier scientists speculated about it, and it is true, the ether. Salute to those who just speculated correctly without any experimental proof, great minds indeed.

The evidence out there points that all particles are made up of the same stuff. My first insight was from understanding a little about neutrinos. Interaction of 2 protons can lead to the creation of neutrinos. This means that neutrinos are made up of the same stuff as protons, or should one better state neutrinos are made up of the stuff that makes up protons, quarks. Perhaps not enough evidence. But one can relationships between electrons and protons creating neutrinos. Thus not only are protons made up of the same stuff as quarks, but also electrons. 

Particles that have been categorized or classified depending on the wording one prefers as W bosons that can be both negatively or positively charged decay into other types of particles namely electrons and muons, meaning they are made up of exactly the same stuff.

Magnetism comes from charged particles, charged particles release the quality of what we have categorized as magnetism. That means that magnetism is made up of the same stuff as charged particles, electrons and protons.

I can safely conclude after seeing the behaviour of magnetism that this same stuff is called the ether, everything is made up of this stuff called ether thus it makes us up. Particles are just different relationships the ether is having. I believe that, too much evidence. The only thing that differentiates particles is how much of this ether they have, the mass so to say. The only difference between an electron, a photon, a quark, a neutrino is how much of this ether the particle is made up of.

Anyhow, that is why Bhekuzulu Khumalo, myself can talk about science. The particle of magnetism I named the khumalon after my ancestors, I did discover it and prove its existence because of trying to understand knowledge as a commodity in a scientific mind set. Why should I name it after some other people as if they would name things they discover after my ancestors, humans can be so arrogant?

The experiments I did in quantum physics show that knowledge economics has treated knowledge without any cultural bias, but just as a commodity in scientific principles.

What is knowledge, it is information we know and has the same characteristics as information because we can only ever know information. It is discrete, can be isolated, consistent, independent, random, can be used to tally, and can tell the time. All information is in a relationship even if it is about maintaining itself as that kind of classified information.

When we go to space do we want to destroy other planets, cause environmental disasters like we have done on this planet. Conventional thought of us going to space is that we must mine those planets to get things like oxygen, hydrogen, gold. Thus we mine the moon for oxygen, settlements on mars will need us to mine and extract fuels from Martian rocks. But why? In a white paper I wrote for NASA I pointed out the fact that cosmic rays have all the resources we need and by mere experimentation can provide all the resources we need for existing in space, especially hydrogen and oxygen.

Magnetism controls the direction of this cosmic rays, they are mostly ionized particles, we merely direct them and add electrons to where at our place of our choosing and we get hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen straight from cosmic rays, in the long run much cheaper than mining other planets, and much more environmentally friendly, don’t we ever learn. Cosmic rays offer far more resources than any planet will offer via mining.

There is a real possibility of a nuclear war, it is justified, with human robbing and bullying each other like this. And because of my location I might very well cease to exist, so in part this podcast series is being done as possible last words, well if there is no nuclear war of justice, we shall find other things to do. But if it does occur, if you like the work even if I am gone, just be honest and say where you got the idea. Its for people who enjoy science. It’s just life, everybody wishes to live, and develop themselves to the best they can, but given the situation, anyhow, just enjoy the knowledge I have if you do, our time could have justifiably run out. My ancestors come from what was known as impangezitha, those who accept reality. If I don’t finish and there is a nuclear war, at least you enjoyed, I hope.  We will likely not survive, but those that survive, just remember the golden rule, do not con your mind and believe that people who bring down interviews and replace them with their group are somehow the good guys, they never where, pure evil. I believe our works are in a safe depository, even a justifiable nuclear showdown will not affect them, be nice those that survive. You might enjoy episode 6 if we are still around. 

Thanks, Bhekuzulu Khumalo.


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Bhekuzulu Khumalo

I write about knowledge economics, information, liberty, and freedom